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The Corporation for New Milford Economic Development has been awarded a $200,000 grant from the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development’s (DECD) Brownfield Remediation and Development Program.


The Corporation is seeking grant consulting services from an individual or firm to to perform environmental assessments of property and structures of three properties currently used by the Town’s Department of Public Works (DPW) to determine a strategy that will allow for future remediation and development of the properties as a whole. The Town is preparing to relocate DPW facilities to a new location.


The properties comprise a key component of New Milford’s Riverfront Revitalization Plan, which calls for enhanced public recreational space, a roadway realignment, public/private redevelopment opportunities and enhancements to the Native Meadows Conservation Area. Concept planning for the Plan was also funded by DECD through the Brownfield Planning Grant Program.


Specifications for the RFP may be obtained on The Corporation for New Milford Economic Development website at, or by requesting them at


It is the sole responsibility of the responder to see that the proposal is in the hands of the proper authority prior to the opening.


All questions regarding this proposal should be directed via email to Alexander Carpp at Answers will be posted on the Corporation website at The deadline for questions is April 15, 2024.


Provide three (3) hard copies of each proposal to P.O. Box 387, New Milford, CT 06776 postmarked no later than April 29, 2024.  One electronic/digital copy must be submitted to no later than 1 p.m. on April 29, 2024.  Proposals will be opened at New Milford Town Hall immediately after.


All questions regarding this proposal should be directed via email to Alexander Carpp at Answers will be posted on the Corporation website at The deadline for questions is April 15, 2024.


Minority and women owned individuals or firms are encouraged to submit proposals.

Click here for Brownfield RF{ Questions and Answers


All questions regarding this proposal should be directed via email to

Alexander Carpp at

The deadline for questions is April 15, 2024.

Q.  Consultant asked if the Corporation could share what the bid opening results were.


A: In accordance with its duly published Legal Notice, the Corporation received five (5) qualified submissions from the following proposers:

- Fuss & O'Neill

- GeoQuest



- Weston & Sampson 


Q.  Consultant asked about availability of The Indemnification, Acknowledgement and Agreement Addendum, and Non-Collusion Affidavit forms that are referenced in the RFP.


A: These are forms commonly found on-line or are used by most CT State Agencies. Please find an appropriate copy and submit with your proposal.  Please offer your firm’s standard indemnification of the Corporation. 


Q.  Consultant asked if any available environmental reports and maps related to the 3 parcels that will be subject to the work outlined in the RFP are available.


A. The Corporation is not aware of any relevant environmental reports related to the work outlined in the RFP. A map(s) of the project area will be made available for the site visit on April 5, 2024 and posted on the website thereafter.


Q. Consultant asked if there any additional specifications related to the RFP.


A. The Corporation web page contains all specifications available and will be amended and noticed if any additional specifications are added.


 Q.  The RFP indicates three copies of each proposal should be submitted to the P.O. Box for the Corporation for New Milford Economic Development.  Is there an alternative mailing address we can ship hard copies of our proposal to in the event we want to take advantage of an overnight courier service to deliver our proposal?  Overnight couriers typically do not deliver to P.O. Boxes. 

A: Overnight proposals may be sent to: 
The Corporation for New Milford Economic Development
c/o Alexander J. Carpp, Chairman
45 Sullivan Farm, New Milford, CT 06776

Q: Should we assume the Hazardous Building Materials Assessment (HBMA) work can be performed during daytime hours, and what are the hours the buildings are staffed for us to perform the field work?  

A:  Yes, if they contact the DPW and schedule the time.  The buildings are open from 6:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.  

Q: Since there are multiple buildings at multiple sites, should we assume you will need one single HBMA report for the project or three separate reports (one report for each of the three parcels)?  We are assuming you do not want separate reports for each building.  Please confirm that as well.  

A: One report with separate sections for each site.  The report should be clear on the location and the results by location. 

Q: Please confirm the dates of operation of septic system(s) on the three parcels.  

A: The sites are currently on municipal sewer.

Q: Are the athletic fields to the south of the public works garages included in the property?


A: No. 

Q: Can the Corporation provide the Indemnification and Acknowledgement and Agreement Addendum. While these are common documents, we would need to know specifics regarding any indemnification and what the acknowledgment and agreement pertain to.

may be amended as necessary during contract negotiations.


Q: Are there any previous environmental reports, building condition reports, or hazardous building material inspections available for the sites?


A:  CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD COMPILATION OF PREVIOUS REPORTS FILED (in date order, oldest first). Or download each report individually.


  1. PWD tank removal soil tests 7-8-91.pdf

  2. PWD Bldg 4 tank removal 9-13-99.pdf

  3. Phase I - 6 & 20 Young's Field - Report.pdf 9 (2014)

  4. RemedReport6YFR.PDF (2017)

  5. Notification for Underground Storage Tanks.pdf (2017)

  6. Well Abandonment Building 2.pdf (2020)

  7. Gap Analysis New Milford DPW Final Report with Photos.pdf  (2024)



The Corporation for New Milford Economic Development 

P.O. Box 387, New Milford, CT 06776

(860) 355-5001

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